Dex and I are enjoying a very nice day at home today after a day from Aitch Eee double hockey sticks yesterday. (Did I really just write that out? What next? Mom jeans?) This maternity leave thing is really nice...
I like them both -- he looks like a tiny beautiful old man in the hat. He looks almost exactly like Joel in the nap picture. When did he get so old? I just saw him last week.
The only thing cuter would be the mothers standing on corners wearing those hats and carrying signs I MADE MY BABY WEAR THIS. Thank God there are grandfathers, to bring a bit of sanity into these childrens lives.
...reads and watches movies as often as possible...believes her opinion matters quite a a bit of a know-it-all...likes to hear herself talk...never met an ellipses she didn't like...
Personally I think the funny hat is cuter. Plus he looks really old in that picture, all alert and awake. He's like a little boy.
Normally I'd agree with you Liza, but that nap gave me a shower and a nap of my own. Sooooo cuuute!
I like them both -- he looks like a tiny beautiful old man in the hat. He looks almost exactly like Joel in the nap picture. When did he get so old? I just saw him last week.
The only thing cuter would be the mothers standing on corners wearing those hats and carrying signs I MADE MY BABY WEAR THIS.
Thank God there are grandfathers, to bring a bit of sanity into these childrens lives.
Dexter is lucky to have a mom who has such a good sense of humor! Can't wait to see him again!!! Mary
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