Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The guessing game...

Two weeks ago when Dex would scream his head off he could only be calmed down with the Soothie brand pacifier. (Our family rather crudely calls them plugs.) But those are apparently SOOO 2006! Today after much screaming and spitting of said Soothie back at mommy, we have learned that only the Nuks will do in the new year.

In college I wrote essays comparing literature based on a post modern point of view to a second wave feminist point of view. As a teacher I have researched multiple strategies for literacy development. Now... I am writing about which type of Binky works the best??? I wouldn't change a thing, but it makes me laugh. And truthfully this research has much more relevance and practical application than the college essays. (Though it is fun to think about what those second wave feminists would think about the image of the Soothie posted above.)


Anonymous said...


La Sirena said...

As a fellow third wave feminist, I think it's interesting to contemplate a world that incorporates an image of the nipple into all of it's symbology. Although the capital bldg is arguably a silicone-filled breast -- and the pentagon is kind of a cubist yoni, so many of our key power edifices are giant phalluses (sp?)...

Sweet Soothies!

Anonymous said...

Ms Sardine. It is a simple plug.
We don't need a dissertation on the
symbolism of architecture, as it is related to a certain part of the female anatomy. Life was so simple and easy when all you feminists did was burn bras.

Woodlandmama said...

I don't know why this didn't publish the last time I wrote it, but kudos to you for giving him the pink plug. It's good to see you're using your women's studies minor to fight the horrors of gender conditioning.