Monday, January 15, 2007

The Baby Burrito

A friend recommended a baby book called The Happiest Baby on the Block. Since I have ADD lately I got the DVD instead. It essentially involves wrapping Dex up like a burrito. Turning him on his side almost as if I am playing him like a guitar and jiggling him like jello on a plate. I am not saying this is the answer to all my parenting prayers (ahem, family members who mocked me), but it does seem to calm Dex down. It looks pretty ridiculous though.

In other news...I have a social engagement sans bebe planned in the coming weeks! My first night out with the girls while Joel stays home. Where to? Showtunes at Sidetracks of course! I have the Wicked Soundtrack on right now to get me warmed up.

And I have no book recommendations because time to read right now is limited until I finish my yearbook deadlines. I keep trying, but as soon as I open a book I fall asleep drooling onto the pages. However, if I could read, these are what I am interested in currently:

The Book Thief: The True Crimes of Daniel Spiegelman (Written by a friend; I can't wait to read it)

Ahab's Wife (Jen highly recommends this book. I will read it soon because I think I'll like it, but it is on the long side.)

Hide (Lisa Gardner is one of my favorite suspense writers; this doesn't even come out for another two weeks, but I do usually find her books to be page turners.)

And, of course because I am a new mother totally obsessed with pictures of the kid...isn't he the cutest baby?


Woodlandmama said...

The cutest baby that I know right now. In my mind, he would have had some compition back in 1992,1997, or 2003.

Pelmo said...

I have this bridge that I want to sell. It's the PERFECT bridge.

Jane said...

Hey Nora, from the angle of the baby burrito, he looks just like you for a change. Mom

Meander said...

Hey Pelmo...
Go jump off that PERFECT bridge.

Pelmo said...

Just as soon as I sell it.

Woodlandmama said...

Mom and I were at the Gap outlet and saw a guy walking around with a baby burrito. Face out and all. Mom and I said, "There's a happiest baby in the world!"