Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Finally some reviews...

I have snapped out of my hormone-induced funk to actually finish a few (light) books and a movie!

If you are like me and not ashamed to read chick-lit (it has become a dirty word in some circles), then you might enjoy Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA. It was light entertainment and funny at times without being too over-the-top, which often happens with chick lit. But it is hardcover, so maybe borrow my copy or try the library.

Have you read much Adriana Trigiani? I devoured Big Stone Gap and Big Cherry Holler, the third in the trilogy, Milk Glass Moon, was getting to be a bit much. Then she moved away from that series and published Lucia, Lucia, which I loved. Then came a few books that were just OK, and finally she has returned to the Stone Gap stories with Home to Big Stone Gap. I feel somewhat indifferent towards it. Still, if you are fan, you are free to borrow my copy; I wouldn't invest in the hard cover.

Last Saturday, Joel and I watched A prairie Home Companion. We both enjoyed it, mainly because of Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline. They really are superb. I know it is nothing original to say, but Meryl Streep can replicate an accent like no one else. All the other actors in the film who used a Minnesotan accent were just a tiny bit overboard, but she was pitch perfect. However, if you are not a fan of the late Robert Altman's style, you won't like the film. (Overlapping dialogue, a story that defies traditional plot lines, and an ambiguous ending...) If you like it, and haven't seen it...add it to your queue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish i could stay home and read some books....kidding! we miss you at school!!!