Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wide awake again...

Heartburn and my bladder woke me, and Thelonius' crazy dancing won't let me get back to sleep. Perhaps one part of the problem is that I went to bed at 8:30, so I have been sleeping for nearly six hours.

At the risk of sounding schmaltzy so early in the morning, I wanted to write about how blessed and lucky I am feeling (it's true...and you are blessed and lucky too... for the 10,000 Maniac fans... oh and yes, I do ALWAYS have song lyrics in my head that match what I am saying/ writing/ thinking). Anyway, first, last week I had a thirty-six week ultra sound. It turns out my "placenta issue" (thank you substitute Doctor) is not an issue. Everything is fine. Thelonius is healthy and exactly where s/he should be. Weighing an approximate 6.5 pounds. Will I give birth to an 8+ pounder? Let the pools begin!

Also, this weekend, my mom, sisters, and aunties (with help from dad) hosted a lovely shower for me that was just perfect. (Relaxed, filled with good food, and some of my favorite people.) Joel and I felt really, really spoiled. Of course we came home and set up all the strollers and everything, but it will be more fun when there is actually a baby to put in all the gear.

If that weren't teacher-friends surprised me with dinner last night at Rosebud. (I was almost bratty because Joel told me he was planning date night. I whined a lot about how all I want to do right now is stay home and be lazy, and almost refused to go. What an ingrate.) The teachers never fail to make me feel appreciated. I can't believe my luck that I get to work with such kind and gifted (funny) people every day.

Well, Pete, I hope this doesn't make me sound like too much of a Polyanna, but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I can't wait for you to all meet Thelonius (remember this is not the real name, though, despite Joel's lobbying). But when you do, can you mention to him/her that the mama you know is NOT this much of a night person? Thanks.


La Sirena said...

Don't worry. Joel is a night owl. He can teach Thelonious saxaphone at 2 a.m. while you sleep.

Constant song lyrics running through the head and sorted by relevance is our mother's gift/ curse to us. Life really is a musical!

Anonymous said...

WE have learned how to spell it and even pronounce it, now it is up to you to name it. THELONIUS