Saturday, November 18, 2006

Useless trivia from the Strong girl archives...

Back in the early eighties, my sisters and I liked to watch Son of Svengoolie on Channel nine (?). One time there was this special event showing of Creature from the Black Lagoon. You had to go buy your 3D glasses at 7-11. My mom had to explain what 3D was to me. I was scared the whole week that the monsters were going to jump out at me from the TV. In the end, it was pretty lame and I have been skeptical about 3D ever since, but we did get this great photo out of the deal. If you read our blogs and don't believe we are that cool, here is photographic evidence to the contrary.

1 comment:

La Sirena said...

It was channel 32. Now he's on 26 at 9pm and 23 at midnight.

Recently, he showed some weirdly awful 70's movie in which a young charismatic advisor to the U.S. President gets the werewolf infection and ravages women to a bloody death every full moon. Only his psychiatrist knows the identity of the DC serial killer...

I like that picture, too.