Wednesday, December 13, 2006

She REALLY Meanders...

So Little Man has been home for three nights. He slept horribly night one. He slept like a sweet little angel in night two. He hardly slept a wink last night. Yikes!

He had a great visit to the Dr. yesterday though and has actually gained weight and gotten longer since birth.

Some disappointing news...I didn't achieve the National Board Certification that I attempted last spring. I kind of knew in advance because my portfolio had a very large error in it that I didn't find out about until after submission. I am surprisingly not too disappointed. I really know that I did the best that I could and then made a stupid mistake and mixed up some papers during final submission. This is probably a good lesson for me. Also, I feel so blessed right now with my little boy that it is hard to let other things bring me down. I have never cried so much in a short period of time. They are all tears of joy. (Probably brought on by hormones, admittedly.)

I am amazed at how I am surviving on this little sleep so far. Grandmama McGavic returns home today and Grandma Jane is moving in for a few nights. Joel and I are so spoiled by all of this help. But I'll take it because I am such a rookie when it comes to changing newborn diapers. I totally got peed on yesterday. I swear it was on purpose because Little Man was mad at me for undressing him. I seriously think the kid took aim. It was like an old slapstick movie where someone sniffs the joke flowers and gets squirted by a steady stream in the face. I got him back though. Several of our newborn clothes are hand-me-downs because I think he'll only be wearing them for a few weeks. Unfortunately they are hand-me-downs from Little Man's cousin, Girl. He slept in a pink sleep sack last night. I hope I am not giving him gender confusion. I prefer to look at it as helping him get in touch with his baby feminine side.

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