Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Vacation Reading

I love vacation because it means I get to catch up on reading! Woo hoo. Here is the re-cap thus far: Broken For You. I really enjoyed it. There are a lot of metaphors related to china/ relationships being broken. There is also much discussion on whether or not tiny little details are important. (I am of the mind set that there is beauty in tiny details; I don't think this is the popular vote.) I will, however, warn you that it took a good fifty pages for me to really get into it, so if you can't devote that kind of time, it may not be up your alley.

I also just finished The Washington Story, the sequel to Crossing California, which I shamelessly begged for here. I enjoyed both. My sister did not like Crossing California. So there you are. Make your own decision.

I will probably finish reading Julie & Julia today. I find it a very fun read, but if you aren't a married woman without kids who likes to blog and cook, you might find the author to be a little jaded and self-absorbed.

Next up is Tiny Ladies in Shiny Pants. I'll update later. Thanks Darcy for the way too generous Border's gift certificate.

Finally, I am listening to Pride and Prejudice on my iPod and enjoying it immensely. Partially because of the accents. I can't do accents AT ALL. So even the ones in my head as I am reading sound seriously fake. Oh well. Happy 2006.

And also, Liza and Jennifer, I fixed the comments so you can add one without joining blogger. But please don't correct my spelling or grammar.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finished -Fledgling- which I really enjoyed and my sister bought me for Christmas. It was a page turner, but if you aren't an eccentric with messianic issues who likes sex and freaks, you might find the author to be a little disturbed and self-eroticizing.
I enjoyed catching up with the Blog, Nora...