Thursday, January 26, 2006


Oh my god! Did anyone see Veronica Mars last night? My sister doesn't like it, but I totally disagree. The writing is great, the twists are usually surprising, and there is good character development. There were a million things going on last night, yet they all tied together at the end. There were also about four points in the show where I was like, "no way...". So that's good.

Anyway, I am headed to my mom's farm this weekend for wedding planning. (Hers.) So no posts at ungodly hours in the morning. Sometimes I am even able to sleep in when I am there.

Happy weekend. (almost)

1 comment:

Woodlandmama said...

Hey Nora,
I think you often take things the wrong way. I never said I don't like Veronica Mars, I just said it wasn't as good as Buffy. I also didn't say I hated Crossing California or The Other Boylen Girl. I liked them, they just weren't books I'd rave about. I like a lot of the things you recommend, just maybe not to the degree that you do.
