Thursday, October 26, 2006


It has set in again. I have been awake since 2:30. At 3:30 I gave up and got out of bed for fear that my tossing and turning would wake Joel. Little Thelonius is wide awake with me and keeping me company while I do laundry and tidy up the house...'cause what else are you going to do in the middle of the night? Certainly not watch television.

Which reminds me...I haven't yet talked about the new TV season, and anyone who knows me knows how important "my programs" are. I have been a little disappointed with former fave, Veronica Mars, this season. I still love the show, but not in that "can't wait until Tuesday" way that I loved it last year. I think they are dumbing the show down a bit so that it will appeal to more viewers, but instead they aren't staying true to the characters.

My new favorite, because I am so fickle, is Studio 60. Have you been watching? The dialogue is very clever and the show is funny one minute and then heart felt the next. It will probably be cancelled because I like it so much.

Tonight I have yet another parenting class. This one is Baby First Aid. Now, while I'm all for First Aid for babies, I wish I had been more realistic about all these classes at Northwestern. I signed up for everything this summer, while in trimester two and feeling great, and while I wasn't working a full day. Now I am dreading the commute, and beginning to loathe all the labor videos. I know labor is not like High Tea at the Drake, but there is no turning back now, so stop trying to scare me with your gore fest videos NMH!


La Sirena said...

I love Studio 60!

I'm sorry you can't sleep...

Anonymous said...

It's not insomnia, it's Thelonius's way of getting even for making him watch Veronica Mars, and the Gimore Girls.