Tuesday, August 30, 2005

last day of summer

this morning i rolled out of bed pretty close to the time i will have to be waking up every weekday until next June...i thought i should "practice" before i actually have to go back to school. well, i did get up, congratulated myself for a job well done, and swiftly proceeded to the couch and fell back asleep until noon! from there i rolled my groggy butt out the door (undoubtedly the only time i will make it outside today) to make a run to the corner store. why? because i thought to myself, or possibly out loud...one never knows these days... "why shouldn't i drink henineken, eat mac and cheese, and watch days of our lives and possibly dr. phil before napping again"? it only seems natural being that today is my last day of summer vacation. highlights of this summer include: a lovely trip to napa valley, afternoon "meetings" with nora, meg and amy, playing with my band One Flight Up, late nights followed by later mornings, and supporting an addiction to the reality show Rockstar INXS. ahh, but all good things must come to a close. i think i'm ready to forge ahead into adulthood and responsibility and 6am wake up calls now though...afterall, i gotta support my mac and cheese habit somehow!!!

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