Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Jennifer Juniper!

In other news...sorry for the lack of posts. I have been reading such negative responses about blogging lately it has left me a little gun shy. Here are the two problems people seem to have with blogging and my commentary:
1. Some people use a blog to air their dirty laundry about work. This seems like a really dumb idea that will get you fired. There is even a blogger word for getting fired for your blog: "Dooced". Named after a popular blogger who got fired for this. (Though I have never heard anyone use it.) Plus that Chicago Public School teacher who did you weren't going to get caught??

2. Lots of people say bloggers are losers who are totally self-involved and need to get a life. Now I might be self-involved, but I have a life, darnit! (This may be true, but this started out as something for me, for fun, and to learn how to do some new things on the computer. To the five people or so who happen to read it once in a while, cool. That's all.)

And... this weekend I watched Everything Is Illuminated. I liked the book, but actually liked the movie better. It wasn't reviewed very well though. Still, very touching and uplifting. I finished this month's book club book Babylon Sisters. I really loved it and read it in about three hours. You get sucked in. Lately though, I am embarrassed to say I have been reading a lot of very cheesey romantic comedies. If you are a fan of this sort of beach read, try Julie Ortolon. They're good "suck you in" kind of reads. (If you aren't a romance fan... you probably won't like them.) Joel's been teasing me about my latest selections so I may have to revisit Charlotte Bronte or something soon.

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