Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Oh yeah, I have a blog.
A friend told me that she was sick of looking at my scrambled eggs. So, here you go. What's new with you? I am sure you heard about the "Dreaded Poison Ivy from Danger Island". Horrendous. Here's what else is new: work is pretty brutal. Dexter's super cute. Joel plays the Saxophone and Keys and looks good with a new hair cut. My living room floor is covered in train tracks. I like to make out with my Kindle 2. (It's an electronic READING device. Get your mind out of the gutter.) I like to read about my friends' running adventures on their Facebook status updates. Does this count as exercise? OK, I'm tired now. Have a good evening.


yang said...

Thank God the eggs have moved down to the bottom of this page.

Anonymous said...

...but what comes first, the chicken or the egg???????????