Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I have the best niece and nephews...

Donovan is thirteen, and doesn't think we are as cool as he used to think we were. Still, he is so good to his cousins. He carried Rory around all weekend and took her bossing very good naturedly. And, we have promoted him from Admiral Sarcasmo to General Sarcasmo. This is, in part, because he punctuates everything he says by doing the two fingered point. Heeeeeyyy!
Iain is just so smart we don't know what to do with him. But he is also really giggly and good natured (unless we make him mad). And, he will still curl up in your lap and hang out while watching a movie. He is a very good big brother.
Rory is so funny and will wear anything that you put on her head. (Hence all of the pictures of her wearing ridiculous hats.) I can't believe how much she is talking and will be said when she stops calling me Nor. She also decided the holes in my bedrooms where there used to be radiators are poop holes. All weekend when anyone would visit she would bring them upstairs to see "the hole where Mr. Giles poops". Thanks for spreading those poop rumors about my house, Ror. I guess I'll forgive her because she also thinks the Swiffer is the best toy and took care of the downstairs and the upstairs for me. (Child labor laws? Ha.)

Anyway, it was a very fun weekend, and the best part about being the aunt is that when everyone left, I got to go back to bed.

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