Friday, January 16, 2009


It's snowy and very cold here. I could sit here and make a bunch of excuses about why I haven't posted in so long, but you've heard them all before.
I guess it was easier to post when I had a baby who rarely slept, but didn't move around a whole lot. Now I am taking care of this little person. Oddly, he makes demands of my time. Imagine that!

Oh yeah, and Facebook is partially to blame as well.

This is the Harry Lauder's Walking Stick plant from Martha and David. I think it looks cool in all seasons, but my favorite is the winter.
I think the plant looks sort of how my brain feels. Which is why sometimes you'll ask me a question about what I am doing this weekend, or if I've seen your keys lying around and I'll respond with some crazy non sequitur like "Shop Vac!"

Dex and Lenny are still as cute as ever in a new season. Now they go to school together and so far, so good. They could have stayed out shoveling for hours but mom and dads got cold.

If you promise not to get sick of looking at pictures of my kid, I'll do a better job of giving you something to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Dex have your smile? How cute!!!