Thursday, September 06, 2007

Awash in bodily fluids...

The sad day has come. Little man woke up sick this morning. I told myself again and again that this would happen once he started day care, and that we've been really lucky on the health front overall, but that still doesn't prepare you for how heart-wrenching it is when such a little body produces such a horrible cough. And he was so sad and cuddly and sick that it took me a few minutes to notice the yucky ooze coming out of his diaper and all over the crib. So began the day.

Joel had to stay home with Dexter since I burned through most of my sick days last year on maternity leave, so I kissed the guys and headed out. Ten minutes into my first class of the day one of my lovely juniors puked all over the floor. I felt sorry for the baby, but this kid was not sick due to illness. I am hoping that the fact that all the girls in class now think he is disgusting will dissuade him from doing that again. Nothing says "Prom Date!" like a guy who is vomiting green liquor at 9 in the morning.


La Sirena said...

buh and BUH

Anonymous said...

ugh. welcome back to hirsch! :)