Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Squeezing Every bit of fun out of the back yard...

Somewhere there are dancing penguins and fuzzy little kitties weeping little tiny tears because their cuteness crown has been usurped. Dexter and our neighbor, Lenny are just too funny in the yard. They were fighting over Lenny's bicycle helmet until we dug out Dexter's (which he normally won't touch without a battle). They ran around the yard giggling the rest of the evening playing two man Ring Around the Rosey and sharing "posicles". I am definitely one of those moms who thinks that everything my kid does is THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER! (I promise I won't show off his dirty diapers if you come and visit though.)


Anonymous said...

On a recent visit to Lenny and Dexter's backyard, my 2-year-old son fell in love with the bike helmet. I'm sure one day he will be "too cool" for a helmet of any kind. That's the day I am going to remind him about how much he loved wearing Dexter's helmet, even though most of the time he had it on backwards.

Meander said...

Yeah, who knew peer pressure started so early???